Error when connecting to Mysql database using C# application in Visual Studio


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Hello, I created the registration form and at the time I will save the text box items in the database of the following error 'Host 'DESKTOP_R70LLO is not allowed to connect to this Mysql server'. By my atidude of seeking to solve the error and based on what I already know, I believe that the user used in the connection is not having the permission to connect. In other words, this user = root, localhost, pass= 123 that I put in appconfig is not allowed to connect. But the permission of DELETE, INSERT and etc ta normal.

  • You have tried to simulate the connection to the database with a Front End (Workbench) for example?

  • Yes, I am running on a localhost but it simulates the connection as if it were remote.

  • Put your appconfig on so I can take a look

  • <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ? > <Configuration> <appSettings> <add key="Conexaobd" value="server=localhost; uid=root; password=Galaxy; database=system_sale"/> </appSettings> <startup> <supportedRuntime version="v4.0" sku=". Netframework,Version=v4.5.2" /> </startup> </Configuration>

  • In your visual studio is installed the plugin mysql pro visual studio?

  • This yes, I have uninstalled and installed again but it did not work

  • You can establish a connection in the visual studio menu (2017) > Tools > connect to a database?

  • I use Enterprise 2015, because I have another project with conxão in the same bank and it works normal. Ja is a form to test the connection returning the status of the connection. And it goes normal. But this will not already Fis of everything. I have to continue the project but this is catching me, I don’t know what else I do

  • @Gleysonsilva I made a direct connection in Tools > Connect to a BD. And Connected normal.

  • So in every project you have an Appconfig?

  • You’ve already compared them to see if there’s anything different between them?

  • Yes in each project has Appconfig, and the two projects are identical.

  • The only thing that changes is the name of the schema (Database)

  • Gleyson Voce want a project zip in the email? Of course if it’s not encomodo, and if you don’t mind helping me. Ai Voce can see how this!

  • Okay, thank you...

  • Hey, Gleyson, I switched banks since I’m kind of running out of time to fix this mistake. I am using SQL server, but still if you manage to find the error and tell me I thank you.

  • I tried many things but none worked, I came to create one until a new project but it did not work, as it has been many years that I do not touch windows Forms this hindered. But I’ll keep trying here, as soon as I get an answer I’ll post it and let you know.

  • All right okay, thanks for your attention and help.

  • @nantanfoleto blz friend, really also could not, must have some explanation, but I found nothing in the archives.

  • OK Gleison, you can leave it alone, I’ve already looked for another way to work with the bank, let’s deactivate that question and thanks again for your attention in helping me.

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