Can I upload folders along with the code on Github?


Viewed 3,678 times


I already put code in my Github repositories once, but now I’m dealing with Netbeans site using HTML5, and I have other folders like CSS, Javascript, and the like. You have the possibility, when you move up the code, to move up these folders as well?

3 answers


Git does not allow empty directories. But when I need to upload a folder I create a hidden file inside the directory to upload that directory. For example:

touch pasta/.teste

Apply the git add pasta/ to add a specific folder or git add . to move all folders and changes up.

  • 4

    Well remembered, Jow +1

  • 2

    I never thought of that, +1.

  • 4

    Cakephp uses a file .empty

  • 2

    And a large portion of the community uses the archive .gitkeep.


You can, as long as these folders are not listed in the . gitignore file and they are not empty they will be sent to the repository.

Don’t forget to add the folders before commit

$ git add pasta/

If you want to send a folder that does not have files in commit, will be necessary to use some alternative method for this. An approach that I use a lot is to create an empty file with the name .getkeep. That way, I can know the usefulness of the file just by looking at its name.

You can create this file using the command touch

touch pasta/.gitkeep
  • 7

    And if they are not empty. Empty directories are disregarded by git (by default, I believe).

  • For empty folders is just add an index.html with nothing inside, so I do at least


I like to do it the way I learned to do it in the projects at Laravel. When I need to have the folder in production, but I don’t need the files inside these folders to be monitored, I create a .gitignore within the folder in question and I place the following:

And put PastaQueEuQuero/.gitignore:


In this case only the file .gitgnore together with the folder is sent to the repository when doing git add PastaQueEuQuero.

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