Codeigniter Administrative Area Controller


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I am developing a website with administrative area. I started it with the new version of Codeigniter 3.1.5. In the main pages would be body of the site, already in the news pages the url would be as follows: with the controller news and display function responding to url.

Already on the administrative page the link would be with the controller admin bringing the main page of the administrative area. From this URL controllers add news, photos, etc. Must respond to url for example: with the controller noticia after the admin in the url. I thought I’d put two Framework in the hosting one in the root folder and the other in admin. But I don’t think I’m the best. I read about extends class, but I don’t know if I’m on the right track.

1 answer


Do the following, inside the folder application/controllers (using the concept of controls in sub-directories via documentation) create a folder named after admin, example application/controllers/admin, and now all the controllers that are part of the administrative area make the file in there, example:

inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

and to call this page in the browser do so:

inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

this already guarantees even the name of the route. Other files can continue in the same way, ie in the same folder application/controllers.

This process is also good for organizing your code by separating what is administrative and what is for everyone to access.

If you want to create a default route for this folder goes in application/config/routes.php and add at the end of the file like this:

$route['admin'] = 'admin/home/index';

when falling in the route admin will access by default the controller Home and the method index


  • Friend also tried this and it did not work, since I used this method in codeigniter 2.X, so I searched the net how to do in 3.x and found what I commented on the question. But I’ll try again, maybe I’ve been hit by something.

  • Just to inform @Williancoqueiro this process was carried out in version 3 maybe missing something! got it? it also works in 2

  • And so. From your references that you gave me of the documentation I saw that really has to work. Amazing as I read the documentation before and did not find. kkk I thought I had detached from the previous version or was bug fix.

  • Well, it doesn’t work. I have controllers/home.php, controllers/noticia.php, controllers/admin.php, controllers/admin/noticia.php, controllers/admin/foto.php and not for sure.

  • not sure what? What happens? @Williancok if you’re doing it wrong I think (an admin.php thing and then an admin folder can cause problems)

  • You have to evaluate your routes... for example if you can’t get on the route /admin/foto

  • Now I’m on the mobile. More I can’t access direct. Really is the admin.php. Passed beaten. Tomorrow Vo try.

  • It worked. It was the admin folder conflicting with the admin.php file inside the root folder of controllers

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