Wordpress does not find Mysql Host


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I’m trying to run Worpress locally on MAC, this to work the site and after ready to go up to the server.

Mysql is installed on the MAC on /usr/local/mysql-5.7.17-macos10.12-x86_64/ is accessed via console and is on localhost:3306.

Apache is 2.4.25 and PHP 5.6.30, I’m using the ones already installed on the MAC, this fully functional in the folder /Users/Meuusuario/Apacheservice/Pastawordpress where Wordpress opens to configure BD.

I like this setting because it is clean and already this intrinsic on MAC.

The problem is that to use Wordpress does not find the Mysql host to configure the created DB. I have tried all my knowledge.

  • You can access mysql through some SQL administration tool or console?

  • Have you checked if mysql is running?

  • Yes, I can access Mysql and use normally from the console, I can also access without problems through Mysql Workbench which informs the host as port 3306.

  • Wordpress works well with php and apache. The problem is that Wordpress doesn’t see the mysql host.

  • What’s in the define( 'DB_HOST )' from your wp-config.php?

  • wp-config.php contains define('DB_HOST', 'localhost');

  • I don’t know if it helps, but I installed phpMyAdmin which worked perfectly and has the following parameters: Server: Localhost via UNIX socket Server type: Mysql Server version: 5.7.17 - Mysql Community Server (GPL) Protocol version: 10 User: root@localhost Server character set: UTF-8 Unicode (utf8)

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