How to integrate the application with Whatsapp?


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I was wondering if it is possible to integrate an application made in C# with Whatsapp?

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    After Whats implemented end-to-end encryption, the "third-party" Apis stopped working, you should also check that if you send too many messages in a short amount of time Whats blocks SPAM

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    I get it, so if we want something similar, I’ll have to go to Telegram, but the problem is the use of it, much less than the what’s app.

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    Before you could give an Index in the table msgstore.db status-oriented -1, now the message gets encrypted in the table called _jobqueue-WhatsAppJobManager, you can do something in Whats (I made a bot through the whatsweb, and manipulates the tables via adb). Sending is time consuming to send 10k of people takes about 5 hours with 1 smarthphone (so far not blocked as SPAM)..

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    There are companies specialized in this type only give a google search as Whatsapp marketing, but ends up being more expensive than texting.. with reports of sent, delivered and read... I won’t send the links here, otherwise they’ll think I’m advertising kkk

  • @Marcogiovanni, the reason why Whats is so much cheaper than text messages. Imagine texting two to three times a day to over 11,000 customers? It’s financially unfeasible.

  • In the search that we were doing the value of the shooting of Whats is about 0,12 while for sms is 0,08.. of course if you take a larger package of Whats shipments, you should take more into account anyway.

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1 answer


If you are trying to use, or already use some API, stop, this is CRIME!

There is no official API to send or receive Whatsapp message to no language, at least until the present moment of that reply.

You even can find something that is not official, but the guarantee that will work the first time and stay working is something without response, because Whatsapp work hard to block any third party API.

You can read a little more about the whatsapp policy and clear your doubts.

Just a caveat, a comment from development leader Brian Acton himself at Facebook’s F8 conference, translated:

...we have no plans to open Whatsapp at this time... We do not want to bother our users with messages they do not want to receive1...

For this comment it is very likely that you do not have an API available for a long time.


As stated in the comment itself, it is possible to see that there is no possibility (so far) of a constant functioning API:

After Whatsapp implemented end-to-end encryption, the "third-party" Apis stopped working. You should also check that if you send too many messages in a short time Whatsapp will block as SPAM.

And in the own website of the terms of use, translated is written:

You shall not (or assist others) access, use, copy, adapt, modify, prepare derivative works based on, distribute, license, sublicense, transfer, display, perform, or otherwise exploit our Services in inadmissible or unauthorized ways, or in Ways that occupy, harm or harm us, our services, systems, users or others, including that you may not directly or through automated means:

  • (A) reverse engineer, modify, modify, create derivative works, decompile or extract code from our services;
  • (B) sending, storing or transmitting viruses or other harmful computer code through or on our Services;
  • (C) obtain or attempt to gain unauthorized access to our Services or systems;
  • (D) interfere with or disrupt the integrity or performance of our Services;
  • (E) create accounts for our Services through unauthorized or automated means;
  • (F) collect information about or about our users in an inadmissible or unauthorized manner;
  • (G) sell, resell, rent or charge for our Services;
  • (H) distribute or make available our Services over a network where they can be used by multiple devices at the same time.


  • I think it’s cool you put at the beginning that this seriously hurts the policy of using Whatsapp.

  • @LINQ just saw?

  • 1

    Good. This line of the issue was great!

  • 1

    Very good the answer, well complete, just to leave here also the venomous0x, on his github account, he left a message about the API complications he was providing. It can be read here

  • 1

    well-rounded answer

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