How to receive all images from Firebase Storage and display in a listview


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I have several images captured via camera or gallery that was uploaded via app in Firebase Storage, using Glide I can display images, but only manually (added one by one in the hand), and my uploaded images are named with the datatime. I need a template to capture all the images and display them in a listview. Using the snapshot I did with text data and it worked. But with Storage how can I do?

1 answer


Unfortunately the Firebase API does not have a method to list all files from a reference.

What you can do (and what I needed to do once) was, at each upload, I recorded the image download url in a reference in the Firebase database.

Then when I needed to, I would read this reference that had all the URL’s and go to Glide to upload the images.

  • I was able to do using Recyclerview, as you said to send to the Firebase database the url of the photo/image created and uploaded in Storage, then just make an iteration to capture all of them and show on screen. Thanks for the tip.

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