I need help in the following situation.
I have some Activity done, with several moments of interaction with Edittext and Button. On certain screens, Layout compresses when opening the virtual keyboard of Android, and in others it omits some information overlapping the same.
I would like to know in reality how I can control the use of these situations to omit and compress the elements of Activity when opening the virtual keyboard of Android with tap on a Edittext.
If anyone could assist me I’d be most grateful!
This, this answer you indicated solved the problem.
– fvmoraes
Just to document here, we use the: android:windowSoftInputMode="adjustPan". In my Activity I kept the virtual keyboard initially hidden, and when it became visible, the keyboard did not deform(compress) the elements. Then in Androidmanifest you set the following: <Activity android:name=". modulo_auditoria.Auditoriaactivity" android:windowSoftInputMode="stateHidden|adjustPan" />.
– fvmoraes