I am optimizing the Urls of a site and I had a certain problem. Some pages do not open after receiving optimization, in fact the page is found and inserted in the path, but the content of the page is the same.
In some I was modifying/removing some words and was solving.
Can anyone tell me what it might be?
felups you have some example of code you are using?
– Flávio Granato
Flávio, here’s an example of a url that doesn’t open http://oprojetoweb.com.br/provas/security-condominios-programmed/cancela-catraca-magnetic-autocontrol-mbe30-mbe35-mbe50-slim-drive. Go to and see what happens, the url is indicated in the bar but the content doesn’t open. This one for example: http://oprojetoweb.com.br/provas/security-condominios-programmed/control-access-topdata-access-tag-vehicularsem-parar-automoveis-condominio-paulo-sorocaba-jundiai normally opens.
– felups
Able to solve, there was a list of words that when found in the url the page is blocked. In my case what was generating the block was "net". Anyway, to be able to solve, it was a matter of configuration same.
– felups