How to install Opencv


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i would like to know how to install the latest version of Opencv 3.2 on linux Ubuntu 14.04. I was able to install and put to compile in codeblocks using C++ following a tutorial. But my goal is to actually install the opencv library so that I use it with the python language and can run the code well. I didn’t understand it very well but would I use python impot to use opencv? someone who knows this library could give me some tips and help me in this? Thanks.

Note: my goal is color recognition, and objects. Note 2: I would like to run it in Atom or codeblocks. Preferably in codeblocks.

2 answers


Look for the opencv package in python with Pip, in the example below I am in a Ubuntu 16, in an env python3:

~$ pip search opencv | grep "^opencv"
opencv-python-armv7l (3.2.0)     - opencv-python on armv7l.
opencv-contrib-python (  - Wrapper package for OpenCV python bindings.
opencv-cython (0.4)              - An alternative OpenCV wrapper
opencv-utils (0.0.2)             - OpenCV Utilities
opencv-python (          - Wrapper package for OpenCV python bindings.
opencv_cffi (0.2.2)              - A random subset of OpenCV's functionality, wrapped via CFFI
opencv_engine (1.0.1)            - OpenCV imaging engine for thumbor.
opencv_helpers (1.1)             - Helper functions for opencv
opencvutils (0.9.2)              - Simple OpenCV 3.x image processing functions

In that case we’ll install the fourth item:

pip install opencv-python

Or install the anaconda and end all package problems. :-)

Example of use

Capturing a video:

import numpy as np
import cv2

cap = cv2.VideoCapture(0)

    # Capture frame-by-frame
    ret, frame =

    # Our operations on the frame come here
    gray = cv2.cvtColor(frame, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)

    # Display the resulting frame
    if cv2.waitKey(1) & 0xFF == ord('q'):

# When everything done, release the capture

This example was taken from the great documentation of the package, there an area of tutorials very good with various exercises, have fun.


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