I need to make a program that searches a certain word in a set of texts and marks the word searched in the middle of the text.
For this I developed the following method:
public void grifarTexto(Relato relato, String texto) {
+ texto + ")", "<mark>$1</mark>"));
But then there were two little problems...
1º I would like him to take the whole word, but when I put the beginning ( ) and end ($) markup characters, he ends up not highlighting any part of the text.
Method used:
public void grifarTexto(Relato relato, String texto) {
^(" + texto + ")$", "<mark>$1</mark>"));
2º He is ignoring the maísculo and minusco characters of the word correctly, unless he has an accent. For example: When I search by the word hand
MÃO (não grifa)
mão (grifa)
mÃo (não grifa)
MãO (grifa)
That is, it does not ignore the maísculo characters and minute of accented letters.
I tested these expressions on the site Rubular to see if they were correct and the return of the site seems to be ok. Links with the tests: http://rubular.com/r/YRcTJBn8eY and http://rubular.com/r/dh753n4mgl
Does anyone know which regular expression I should use to get the validations I wish?
if he helped you solve it, you should mark his response as correct
– Paz
Sorry... Done!!
– Breno Cabral
good @Brenocabral
– Paz