Emulator without internet connection


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Guys today I went to continue my application and noticed that the emulator was not connected to the Internet but I am still using the emulator Android Studio the Nexus 5 API 25. inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

1 answer


I think this is a problem of the version of Android Emulator you are using.
I say this because I came across this problem and it disappeared when I upgraded to version 26.1.2.

To check which version you have installed, in the icons at the top, click on the "SDK Manager" icon, the one before ?. In the SDK Tools tab see which version of Android Emulator.

During this period I solved the problem by launching the emulator via command:

Open Notepad and create a file with this content(source):

start C:\Users\NomeUtilizador\AppData\Local\Android\sdk\emulator\emulator.exe -avd Nexus_5X_API_24 -dns-server
  • Substitute NomeUtilizador for his.
  • Substitute Nexus_5X_API_24by the name of the emulator you want to launch
  • Give it a name and record, then change the extension of .txt for .bat.

Use it to launch the emulator.

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