Message when it exceeds Fileupload size


Viewed 378 times


I’m trying to put a message for when it exceeds the file size in Fileupload, already arranged inside the web config, but always returns me the following error:

Maximum request size exceeded.

I saw this example on the internet, I tried to adapt it to my code but keeps appearing the above error:

<script type ="text/javascript">
        $(function () {
            $('<%= Anexo.ClientID %>').change(function () {

                //because this is single file upload I use only first index
                var f = this.files[0]

                //here I CHECK if the FILE SIZE is bigger than 8 MB (numbers below are in bytes)
                if (f.size > 8388608 || f.fileSize > 8388608) {
                    //show an alert to the user
                    alert("Allowed file size exceeded. (Max. 8 MB)")

                    //reset file upload control
                    this.value = null;

I have seen several examples on the Internet, I have tried several ways, I have searched here on the forum and others on the Internet, but no example is occurring the message that the size was exceeded.

1 answer


Actually this example worked, it was missing only put the # here: $('#<%= Attachment.Clientid %>') and it worked.

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