Find . Keystore from APK


Viewed 934 times


Does anyone know where I find the file. Keystore of my digitally signed APK?

It’s the same . jks?

  • Yes, it’s the .jks. xD

  • Ah! Cool! Thank you!

1 answer


JKS(Java Keystore) you cannot find it if you have not yet created it. Formerly the certificate extension was .keystore then after a while Google changed to .jks. To create see the command below as an example:

$ keytool -genkey -v -keystore my-key.jks -alias alias_name -keyalg 
RSA -keysize 2048 -validity 10000

See here in this article more details on how to generate release/debug certificate.

It’s the same . jks?

Yes it is the same.

  • 1

    Thank you for the information

  • @adventist need, we are here.

  • it creates for which folder?

  • @adventistaam you choosing the folder where it should be created. If you insert the command without setting the location, it will be created in the root folder where you opened cmd if it is windows.

  • in case I followed this command on linux

  • @adventistaam check on your terminal which is the root folder when you open it. The file will be there. To direct to a specific folder, when placing the keytool command, do it this way: /home/my-key.jks Ai will save to your home

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