I am implementing the component of this topic together with the following instruction:
PromptSupport.setPrompt("Digite..", field);
This command is from biblioteca swingx-core-1.6.2
and adds a sort of placeholder
. But when using it together with the event FocusListener
of a IconTextField
he gives me the following mistake:
Exception in thread "AWT-EventQueue-0" java.lang.StackOverflowError at javax.swing.text.DefaultCaret$Handler.propertyChange(DefaultCaret.java:1846) at java.beans.PropertyChangeSupport.fire(PropertyChangeSupport.java:335) at java.beans.PropertyChangeSupport.firePropertyChange(PropertyChangeSupport.java:327) at java.beans.PropertyChangeSupport.firePropertyChange(PropertyChangeSupport.java:263) at java.awt.Component.firePropertyChange(Component.java:8428) at javax.swing.JComponent.setBorder(JComponent.java:1796) at geral.IconTextField.setBorder(IconTextField.java:45) at org.jdesktop.swingx.plaf.BuddyLayoutAndBorder.replaceBorderIfNecessary(BuddyLayoutAndBorder.java:56) at org.jdesktop.swingx.plaf.BuddyLayoutAndBorder.propertyChange(BuddyLayoutAndBorder.java:245) at java.beans.PropertyChangeSupport.fire(PropertyChangeSupport.java:335) at java.beans.PropertyChangeSupport.firePropertyChange(PropertyChangeSupport.java:328) at java.beans.PropertyChangeSupport.firePropertyChange(PropertyChangeSupport.java:263) at java.awt.Component.firePropertyChange(Component.java:8428) at javax.swing.JComponent.setBorder(JComponent.java:1796) at geral.IconTextField.setBorder(IconTextField.java:45) at org.jdesktop.swingx.plaf.BuddyLayoutAndBorder.replaceBorderIfNecessary(BuddyLayoutAndBorder.java:56) at org.jdesktop.swingx.plaf.BuddyLayoutAndBorder.propertyChange(BuddyLayoutAndBorder.java:245) at java.beans.PropertyChangeSupport.fire(PropertyChangeSupport.java:335) at java.beans.PropertyChangeSupport.firePropertyChange(PropertyChangeSupport.java:328) at java.beans.PropertyChangeSupport.firePropertyChange(PropertyChangeSupport.java:263) at java.awt.Component.firePropertyChange(Component.java:8428) at javax.swing.JComponent.setBorder(JComponent.java:1796) at geral.IconTextField.setBorder(IconTextField.java:45)
What can I do to solve?
Library link(scroll the page almost at the end, and download the 1st link)
Below I’ll leave the classes I’m using:
Main class:
public class JTextFieldDecoratedIcon {
public void start() throws IOException {
final JFrame frame = new JFrame();
frame.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(500, 350));
JTextField field2 = new JTextField();
IconTextField field = new IconTextField();
URL path = new URL("https://i.imgur.com/WKfl8uV.png");
Image icone = ImageIO.read(path);
field.setIcon(new ImageIcon(icone));
frame.add(field, BorderLayout.NORTH);
field.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(250, 30));
//bibilioteca swingx-core-1.6.2 ↓
PromptSupport.setPrompt("Digite..", field);
frame.add(field2, BorderLayout.SOUTH);
field2.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(100, 30));
field.addFocusListener(new FocusListener() {
public void focusGained(FocusEvent e) {
field.setBorder(new LineBorder(new Color(108, 85, 255)));
public void focusLost(FocusEvent e) {
field.setBorder(new LineBorder(Color.GRAY));
field.setBackground(new Color(255, 255, 255));
public static void main(String[] args) {
try {
for (javax.swing.UIManager.LookAndFeelInfo info : javax.swing.UIManager.getInstalledLookAndFeels()) {
if ("Nimbus".equals(info.getName())) {
} catch (ClassNotFoundException | InstantiationException | IllegalAccessException | javax.swing.UnsupportedLookAndFeelException ex) {
EventQueue.invokeLater(() -> {
try {
new JTextFieldDecoratedIcon().start();
} catch (IOException ex) {
Icontextcomponenthelper class :
class IconTextComponentHelper {
private static final int ICON_SPACING = 4;
private Border mBorder;
private Icon mIcon;
private Border mOrigBorder;
private JTextComponent mTextComponent;
IconTextComponentHelper(JTextComponent component) {
mTextComponent = component;
mOrigBorder = component.getBorder();
mBorder = mOrigBorder;
Border getBorder() {
return mBorder;
void onPaintComponent(Graphics g) {
if (mIcon != null) {
Insets iconInsets = mOrigBorder.getBorderInsets(mTextComponent);
mIcon.paintIcon(mTextComponent, g, iconInsets.left, iconInsets.top);
void onSetBorder(Border border) {
mOrigBorder = border;
if (mIcon == null) {
mBorder = border;
} else {
Border margin = BorderFactory.createEmptyBorder(0, mIcon.getIconWidth() + ICON_SPACING, 0, 0);
mBorder = BorderFactory.createCompoundBorder(border, margin);
void onSetIcon(Icon icon) {
mIcon = icon;
private void resetBorder() {
Icontextfield class:
public class IconTextField extends JTextField {
private IconTextComponentHelper mHelper = new IconTextComponentHelper(this);
public IconTextField() {
public IconTextField(int cols) {
private IconTextComponentHelper getHelper() {
if (mHelper == null) {
mHelper = new IconTextComponentHelper(this);
return mHelper;
protected void paintComponent(Graphics graphics) {
public void setIcon(Icon icon) {
public void setIconSpacing(int spacing) {
public void setBorder(Border border) {
The problem is that you have no way of knowing because your version has no documentation. Either you give up this modification and leave only the lib one or update the lib to a newer version and adapt your code to it.
– user28595
when you say adapt, is to find an instruction or the way to implement that command ?
– Java
No, the class
manipulates focus events to display the placeholder, you will get the same error on any version of that lib, unless you discover the source code of that class and modify it. Of course you run the risk of "mocking" the class and it fails to function properly. I think it’s best if you choose if you want the placeholder or if you want to apply it with custom focus on your own(which isn’t even that hard to do)– user28595
So, with setText("") I can do, only that there is one but, at a given moment, I use with Listener Ocument this field, then it mocks the searches that I do.
– Java
Well, I found an alternative solution if using no lib, but the question is about an error when using the lib, if I answer, I run the risk of being negatively affected by escaping the scope. If I may, I can make a small change to the question so that my alternative answer is not meaningless to her, that’s fine?
– user28595
@diegofm can yes, feel free, and I appreciate your help !
– Java