Dll and Exe with the same name = Problem?


Viewed 109 times


I had a somewhat curious problem now.

I created a project (Console Application) named Spotifyapi in Visual Studio 2017 and then downloaded the Spotify API in Nuget. When I went to run the code for the first time Visual Studio released the following exception:

System.Typeloadexception was unhandled Message: An unhandled Exception of type 'System.Typeloadexception' occurred in mscorlib.dll Additional information: Could not load type Spotifyapi.Web.Spotifywebapi from Assembly Spotifyapi, Version=, Culture=neutral, Publickeytoken=null.

So I started searching the Internet and found out right here on Stack(Ask here) a Dll and an Exe cannot contain the same name.

When I checked, the API had the name Spotifyapi.dll. Exactly the same exe name (Spotifyapi.exe)

In the reply the user explains that Visual Studio has already loaded a call in Assembly to Spotify.exe, so it does not locate the dll. But I would like to understand why such a smart IDE doesn’t know that they are different files by extension. Why does this happen? I found it a little curious and would like to know a little more of this "problem".

1 answer


There is no problem in having the two with the same name (disregarding the extension).

Are the assemblies who may not have the same name.

The . dll and . exe files are not the assemblies themselves, they are containers for them. You can get these names by reflection. You can also change the name of a Assembly generated by a project of yours through the project properties window in Visual Studio.

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The name of each Assembly is an important piece of information for the .NET. platform I leave it to you to study them and find out why (and learn several more cool things along the way).

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