Good Afternoon, Folks!
I’m facing problems to centralize using Google Maps API between 2 points, what happens follows in the images below.
The application is in Ruby on Rails and we use the JS for part of the maps, when I click to open the modal it opens the modal with the maps only it does not center as you can see in the images, even if I use a map.setZoom() and map.setCenter(). It follows the code I developed attached.
Thanks for your help!
$(document).ready(function() {
$("#pipeline_modal_map_tracker").html("<%= j render 'pipeline_modal_map_tracker' %>");
var map;
var marker;
var center = new google.maps.LatLng(-13.4949748,-69.825632);
function initMap() {
var directionsService = new google.maps.DirectionsService;
var directionsDisplay = new google.maps.DirectionsRenderer;
map = new google.maps.Map(document.getElementById('map_pipeline2'), {
zoom: 7
"<%= puts @sender_location.address + ',' + @sender_location.address_number + ',' + @sender_location.city + ',' + @sender_location.state %>"
"<%= puts @receiver_location.address + ',' + @receiver_location.address_number + ',' + @receiver_location.city + ',' + @receiver_location.state %>"
origin: "<%= @sender_location.address + ',' + @sender_location.address_number + ',' + @sender_location.city + ',' + @sender_location.state %>" ,
destination: "<%= @receiver_location.address + ',' + @receiver_location.address_number + ',' + @receiver_location.city + ',' + @receiver_location.state %>" ,
travelMode: 'DRIVING'
}, function(response, status) {
if (status === 'OK') {
/*New Test God*/
document.getElementById('map_pipeline2').className = "directions";
var bounds = response.routes[0].bounds;
} else {
$( "#modalPipelineMapTracker" ).on("shown.bs.modal", function(){
google.maps.event.trigger(map, "resize");
returns an array or a Latlng object?map.setCenter()
need the object– Ricardo Moraleida
Yes is a Latlng object. @Ricardomoraleida
– João Henrique
In my app I use var rendererOptions = { map: map, suppressMarkers: true }; var directionsDisplay = new google.maps.Directionsrenderer(rendererOptions); I’m not sure if that’s what’s missing in your case.
– André Vicente
@Andrévicente tested your tip and unsuccessfully! Still, thank you very much!
– João Henrique
I did a search, just putting directionsDisplay.setDirections(Response); without fitBounds and setCenter should work, I’m not using in my code. Take this example http://www.dreamdealer.nl/tutorials/getting_directions_with_google_maps.html
– André Vicente
Thanks @Andrévicente, for all the help!
– João Henrique