Field Date register date


Viewed 125 times


I have a table that one of the fields is date type. On my page insert.Asp when I type the date for example so 10/07/2017 or 2017-07-12 not saved in Mysql database.

The error that is shown is this:

Error: [Mysql][ODBC 3.51 Driver][mysqld-5.7.13-log]Incorrect date value: '' for column 'data_start' at Row 1

I created a function in the HTML code:

Function InverteDataMySql(data_inicio)
if not isdate(data_inicio) then exit function
if instr(data_inicio, " ") > 0 then
hora  = split(data_inicio, " ")(1)
end if
InverteDataMySql = year(cdate(data_inicio)) & "-" & month(cdate(data_inicio)) & "-" & day(cdate(data_inicio))
if hora <> "" then InverteDataMySql = InverteDataMySql & " " & hora
End Function 

I call the function here on the insert page.:

    <td>Data Inicio:</td>
     <input name="FormDataInicio" size="10" maxlength="80" value="<%=Response.Write(InverteDataMySql())%>"/>

But it doesn’t work.

Everything has been solved in SQL itself using STR_TO_DATE

The code went like this:

 "INSERT INTO tb_registros_para_controle(nome_livro, nome_autor, nome_editora, data_inicio, " 
sql = sql & " data_termino, data_paralisacao, "
sql = sql & " segunda_feira, terca_feira, quarta_feira, quinta_feira, "
sql = sql & " sexta_feira, sabado, domingo, observacao) VALUES ( " 
sql = sql & "'" & Request.Form("FormNomeLivro")                  & "', "
sql = sql & "'" & Request.Form("FormNomeAutor")                  & "', "
sql = sql & "'" & Request.Form("FormNomeEditora")                & "', "
sql = sql & "STR_TO_DATE('" & Request.Form("FormDataInicio")     &"','%d/%m/%Y')" & ", "
sql = sql & "STR_TO_DATE('" & Request.Form("FormDataTermino")    &"','%d/%m/%Y')" & ", " 
sql = sql & "STR_TO_DATE('" & Request.Form("FormDataParalisacao")&"','%d/%m/%Y')" & ", "
sql = sql & "STR_TO_DATE('" & Request.Form("FormDataSegunda")    &"','%d/%m/%Y')" & ", "
sql = sql & "STR_TO_DATE('" & Request.Form("FormDataTerca")      &"','%d/%m/%Y')" & ", " 
sql = sql & "STR_TO_DATE('" & Request.Form("FormDataQuarta")     &"','%d/%m/%Y')" & ", "
sql = sql & "STR_TO_DATE('" & Request.Form("FormDataQuinta")     &"','%d/%m/%Y')" & ", "
sql = sql & "STR_TO_DATE('" & Request.Form("FormDataSexta")      &"','%d/%m/%Y')" & ", " 
sql = sql & "STR_TO_DATE('" & Request.Form("FormDataSabado")     &"','%d/%m/%Y')" & ", " 
sql = sql & "STR_TO_DATE('" & Request.Form("FormDataDomingo")    &"','%d/%m/%Y')" & ", "
sql = sql & "'" & Request.Form("FormNomeObservacao") & "' " 
sql = sql & ")" 
  • The correct format is AAAA-MM-DD. You are pasting the date in this format and in quotation marks?

  • David, thank you for your attention, but I’m sorry, I don’t understand.

  • Complementing: David, thanks even for the attention, Regarding your question I did not understand, sorry. I cannot find an HTML/ASP example to record a date in the date or datetime field in the database in Mysql. I believe I’m mistaken in calling the function that Gustavo suggested to me. In the book I am studying only example save, change and delete text field. David, I’ve been struggling for days to learn how to save, change a record in the Mysql database by interacting HTML with ASP. Thank you again for your attention.

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