Trigger does not work


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I don’t have much practice in Mysql and need to create a Trigger to update a column of a table when a new record is inserted, but when you insert a new row, nothing happens. I’ve changed everything I could and I couldn’t make Rigger work. Where’s my mistake?

delimiter $$
create trigger Database.Atualiza_Compra

before insert on Database.CompraPagamento for each row


if new.metodo = 'metodo_compra'


 set new.tipo = concat(substring(new.numero_adicional, 31, 1),'-', new.tipo);
-- set new.tipo = '3-Tipo';

end if;

Note: When I make a purchase other tables also receive similar records but I just need this specific table to stay with the column in this format for my API to work. I don’t know if this has anything to do.

I also tried to do as it is commented on on Rigger. If the method is that, "set" a direct value and also did not work.

You may have a problem with double quotes, single quotes or crase?

When I do Insert and Trigger doesn’t work, I then run an Update command to update the new line by passing the same parameters and it works.

update Database.Atualiza_Compra 
set tipo = concat(substring(numero_adicional, 31, 1),'-', tipo)
where metodo = 'metodo_compra' and id = 1
  • 1

    You can post the layout of your table?

  • If you can also post the INSERT that you’re trying to do. Looking at it this way, I imagine the problem may be in the IF.

  • @Robertofagundes, the Insert is by the system and as I said reaches other tables. If I do an Update on that same table by passing exactly the concatenation exposed there, it works. It just doesn’t work on Trigger. I think it’s something in the if same but what? Syntax?

  • I imagine it’s the contents of the field metodo, the value of it really is metodo_compra?

  • @Robertofagundes yes, that’s right. I pass this same content on Where to make an update script and he understands normally.

  • Put in your question to query which is being executed, by what you’re telling me, you’re running a UPDATE and expecting a TRIGGER BEFORE INSERT be executed. If so, it will not be executed...

  • @Victorp puts the INSERT that is being done, for that TRIGGER work it is necessary to pass the field metodo with the value metodo_compra in the INSERT.

  • @Robertofagundes Insert is not a command, it’s the application. The customer makes a purchase. When he chooses a particular type of purchase the method field I need it to be a type concatenation plus additional information. When I make a test purchase, I look at the bank and Trigger didn’t work, so I run that update script to leave the field the way I need it. Insert is not a manual script and the application affects other tables. But I just need this table and this specific field to be changed.

  • Your application somehow mounts a query which is the command INSERT, if you don’t have access to make the application also put the field metodo = metodo_compra in this command INSERT, that one TRIGGER will never work.

  • I don’t have access to the application code, just the database. But if every time I make a purchase of a type and always in the column is 'methodo_purchase' does not mean that the application is putting the 'purchase method' ? And there would be another way?

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