How to change the color of only one element in a form-group with several others?


Viewed 1,375 times



What happens to me is this:

I am using Bootstrap Validator to validate the fields in my form. However, when I rotate the page, the fields are getting as follows. Note that the "Code" field is disabled. Only "Social Reason" has been validated. I would like only this field to appear in red.


The problem is that I have to keep both fields in the same form-group to stay on the same line. Separating the fields into different form-groups, the color changes correctly, but the fields are misaligned. Below my HTML.


Is there any way to apply color only to the fields I wish?

4 answers


To keep styling separate, you cannot use more than one form field within the element with the class form-group.

See in: Even with each field in a "form-group", they are on the same line, in which case you can use an additional class for the fields that should be on separate lines.


Invert your code to look like this:

<div class="col-lg-2">
    <div class="form-group">
        <input />

<div class="col-lg-10">
    <div class="form-group">
        <input />

That way, you’ll have the colunas separate from the form-group and may validate separately inputs.


You will not apply color only to the fields you want - on the contrary, you will rule out the colors of the fields you do not want.

For this, you will add to the property excluded of bootstrapValidator the fields that are :disabled:

    excluded: ':disabled'

  • Hello William! Cool, thanks for the answer! But in this same form I have other fields that are positioned on the same line that are not disabled, and the same problem occurs. In this case, I would wish the color to be applied according to each field I validate, but when I validate only one of the same line, the others apply the color already before I even click. Is there any property that can solve this?


I believe you should create a separate CSS code for this field or remove CssClass="form-control" of txtCodigo.

  • Hi Rogers! Thanks for the answer! If I remove Cssclass="form-control", the field will lose the attributes applied by Bootstrap css. And I have other fields below where the same problem occurs, and these are not disabled. Can you tell me if there is another alternative? Thank you!

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