I have an Android application that makes some requests on the server and also for sending data via web service, using the library Volley
The data sent by the application is received by an API and, when there is confirmation that the data sent is as expected, the API returns a specific value.
My problem is that I’m not getting this specific feedback sent by the API.
How do I receive this return and not just the return server response 200
which is received by default from the library?
Hi buddy, beauty? What is the return that you get? If it is a JSON, take a look at the link below, you create a Jsonrequest. Then as an answer you will receive JSON. https://developer.android.com/training/volley/request.html If you are not a JSON, Image or String, you will need to create a Custom Request. https://developer.android.com/training/volley/request-custom.html I hope I helped you with something.
– Tiago Almeida