Nginx configuration data type


Viewed 57 times


Is there a specific name for the data format used by Nginx? For example:

upstream app1_upstream {
    server app1:80;
server {
    listen 80;

    location / {
        proxy_pass http://app1_upstream;

This file looks a lot like a guy JSON, most obviously it is not.

  • 1

    In reality this type of configuration file is called vhost and is only a code interpreted by Nginx. The mounting structure of this file belongs only to Nginx is an emulated code inside a native interpreter. I’ve never heard of it having a specific name.

  • I wanted to mount something that creates this type of file to use as a reverse proxy on servers with Docker, and I wanted to avoid having to concatenate millions of string, I imagined that if this type of format was a standard would have something already ready to manipulate it

  • Couldn’t use json? The syntax is really close to a json with regular expression

  • So, I wanted to build the Nginx configuration file using python for example, with information obtained from the Docker sdk, can you tell me if Nginx accepts configuration in json comun?

  • In all the years I’ve been working with servers I’ve never heard of accepting have you looked at the Nginx documentation? Maybe you can assemble an interpreter.

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