How important is it to use friendly URL?


Viewed 176 times


For example:

instead of
  • In the first case the URL is much more friendly, but there is a cost of time to develop and maintain something like this.

  • In the second case the URL is unfriendly but gives "zero" work because it is the behavior default of web frameworks.

My question is whether it is worth investing time in something like this, that eventually the user may not even notice.

  • porém existe um custo de tempo pra desenvolver e dar manutenção em algo assim. If you’re developing this, you’re reinventing the wheel.

  • Another thing: take a look at the URL of this question itself. I believe that there you will find the best answer ;)

2 answers


Friendly URL is important in these cases:

Better user view

Not only of the URL in the browser tab while the user browses, but if he or she searches the page, share it with his or her colleagues via messages, they will know what it is maybe before they even open the page.

Indexing of search engines

A search engine is more likely to locate the page post using the URL as a reference. Example: when searching for stackoverflow search engines quickly identify the URL in question, when searching for a question (which you know exists on this site), you will quickly find by the title that is set both in the URL and tag and also as H1 (you can see on this page for example), is an additional and important reference.


The experienced user analyzes the link before clicking it. Note that even you have become insecure with shortened links like "". When you view a title or something, your confidence increases:


You may have extra protection because you won’t be leaving your files exposed like: ' id=32', that necessarily a search for better use of the user and for the distribution of information you will have to pass the parameters by "GET".

  • I accept suggestions to improve the response


Some points that I consider important and relevant to the use of friendly url

Raking on search sites

Search engines handle dynamic url (my-page.php? post=1234) other than static url (my-page/post/url-friendly), so it can help improve the page ranking.

Content description

When reading a friendly url (stackoverflow/quao-important-and-use-url-friendly) the user already knows what will find on the landing page before even clicking, unlike reading (stackoverflow/21943), but note that in this case, to facilitate the implementation can be used (stackoverflow/21943/quao-importante-e-usar-url-amigavel)


Users can more easily memorize a url (my page/brand/product) than (my page/1234/3887929), in this case a phrase can become a url (sports/world cup-2014/round goals), this facilitates the user to directly reach the desired page and still understand the content of the landing page.


A friendly url makes it easier to be disclosed, whether by phone, banner, printer, card and etc...

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