SQL query with duplicate items


Viewed 202 times


I have this situation and do not know why it happens. When I pass this SQL command the displayed items comes duplicated. What should I do to appear one item each without putting the DISTICT

  CONSULTAS T1,                               
  PARAMETROS T2                               

inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

  • 1

    You could have been more specific in your question! What function the entity (table) queries and parameters specify these relationships which are the primary keys. If there is a relationship key the correct one was to use JOIN for that query!

  • 2

    What’s wrong with using the distinct? the items will be repeated as often as they appear within the table parameters, put the structure of the tables and what the purpose of the query so that we can help

  • 1

    You would have to be more specific in the question. You would need to show what is in your tables, if possible.

  • 1

    Then if there is no other way I will use the distinct...

  • 1

    The only relation between the two tables is the date?

2 answers


Suppose the T1 table is:

id     nome    data_cadastro   
1      joão    09/07/2017
2      maria   10/07/2017

and table T2 is:

id     t1_id    data_sistema   
1      1        09/07/2017
2      1        10/07/2017

When you do:

SELECT T1.*  FROM  CONSULTAS T1, PARAMETROS T2                               

the amount of records returned is the product between the rows of the two tables. In this specific query there would be four (the correct one would be at most 2 which is the maximum number of records in each table). In this query is made the combination of the rows of the two tables involved.

To avoid the situation described above, one must relate the two tables in some way. In the example there is a relation indicated by the foreign key t1_id in table T2. Putting this relation in the query is:

SELECT T1.*  FROM  CONSULTAS T1, PARAMETROS T2                               
WHERE T1.id = T2.t1_id and (T1.DATA_CADASTRO <= T2.DATA_SISTEMA-14) 
  • In fact they have no relation I only take the date of the system that is in the table of PARAMETROS to make the comparison

  • if the date of the queries is less I will do another sql to delete the old queries...


By my understanding, you want to ask the following:

What are the queries that had parameters within 14 days after your registration?

If that’s the question, then the relationship is incomplete. I can’t tell which queries had parameters.

Now, if your question is:

Which queries are at least 14 days from any parameter?

I can answer with an understatement:

    EXISTS (
             PARAMETROS P
             C.DATA_CADASTRO <= P.DATA_SISTEMA - 14

Transcription of this subconsulta into Portuguese:

If there is at least one parameter created at least 14 days after a query, this query must be displayed

Note that I am not making a Cartesian product on FROM. With the Cartesian product as you did, for each PARAMETROS to attend to WHERE, a new line would be returned. I refer more to the Cartesian product in another answer. In your case, the projection is only of CONSULTAS, therefore appears to be the same line repeated.

How I put the table PARAMETROS as a filtering condition, not as a Cartesian product, there is no multiplication of records.

  • 2

    Beauty I’ll give a read and take the test with you suggested...

  • 1

    So you solved my doubt and it was pretty cool. Then every time a table does not associate to another in the query and I need to use one of the fields for comparison I will have to do more or less this way?

  • 1

    I will not answer the general case. Each case is a case. I am even seeing here how to ask performance questions. Speaking in a more user-friendly way "take the test to know the performance"

  • 1

    I understand depending on the case... I can do...

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