I’m creating a consultation on SQL
, but I need a certain field not to display the values when it is zero.
It is possible?
SELECT gfilial.nomefantasia AS 'Filial',
tmov.codtmv AS 'CODTMOV',
tmov.numeromov AS 'Número',
tmov.valorliquido AS 'Valor líquido',
tmov.valorbrutoorig AS 'Valor bruto',
titmmov.nseqitmmov AS 'ITEM',
titmmov.idprd AS 'IDPRODUTO',
tproduto.codigoprd AS 'Cód. produto',
tproduto.nomefantasia AS 'Produto',
titmmov.codund AS 'Unidade',
FROM tmov WITH(nolock)
Henrique, it is possible yes, but could be more specific, putting your SQL, and highlighting the fields you want not to be displayed?
– jmfrolim
Don’t want me to display the line field? Or don’t want me to display the line? I reiterate what @jmfrolim asked to be more specific. Examples would help a lot
– Jefferson Quesado