DRUPAL: Difficulty Backup and restore


Viewed 135 times


I am new to using CMS Drupal and am having a hard time regarding backup restore. I created a new server to restore the backup I do manually (dump from Postgres and copy from the directory inside apache).

The server is an ORACLE Linux 7.3, APACHE 2, Postgres and drupal

I backup normally and I can restore, but the following message appears when I open the site, which loads normally.

Warning: chmod(): Permission denied in event_css_add() (line 272 from /var/www/html/com9dn/sites/all/modules/event_calendar_colors/event_calendar_colors.module)

with this I can not use this module, and I am no longer able to install any module.

I already set the permissions manually the same as the original server and did not change anything.

  • Do a test and return the result: First try to put the 777 permission in the file pointed by the error msg, if it still continues, try to put 777 in the directory. This is just a test, if it works, it shouldn’t stay that way.

  • I didn’t understand the backup part manually. Have you read or heard about Drush? With Drush it is possible to make and restore backups with typing a few command lines.

1 answer


The problem is not related to the database, but to the file system.

What happens is that the module is trying to change the folder permissions event_calendar_colors which is inside the Drupal public file folder.

If you haven’t customized your public file directory it should be:


In this directory there should be a folder called "event_calendar_colors" or another folder files with "event_calendar_colors" inside it.

Change the permissions of this folder so that Drupal takes control of it (this is what the module is trying to do). The module is giving 755 permissions, but is trying to write to the folder, which means it assumes that the folder belongs to the Apache user. Assign the folder to the apache user with the command:

chown apache:apache /var/www/html/com9dn/sites/default/files/ -R

So Drupal takes control of the entire "files" folder. You’ll need it anyway...

Note: I am guessing that the user that Apache is using is apache, that you are using Drupal7 and that you have not changed your public file folder settings.

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