Python -> how to merge multiple csv files


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I have 4 folders, and each of them is filled with csvs of 3 types (ap,peers,visits).

I’m a beginner in python, but I wanted to create a python script that would merge the files that are peer, in order to get 1 single file with the lines of all peer files found. In addition, I wanted to add a column to the header called "student", and for each line I wrote in the final peers file I would put the respective student at the end.

mainfolder = sys.argv
mainfolder = mainfolder[0]
allfolders = glob.glob(mainfolder + '*\\')

with open(mainfolder + "finalpeers\\totalpeers.csv", "w") as finalPeersFile:

    newpheader = '"_id","ssid","bssid","dateTime","latitude","longitude","student"\\n'

    for folder in allfolders:
        student = folder.split('\\')[-2]
        filesTomerge = glob.glob(folder + '*.csv')

        for filename in filesTomerge:
            if (isPeers(filename)):
                with open(filename, 'r') as p:
                    for line in p:

My code even does that, but since the headers are the same and there are files that only have headers, I get lots of lines with repeated headers. Also I can’t just take the header of the first line and add "student" because there is a "hidden" new line, I think it’s something particular from python. And although I have the student to add at the end of the line, I can’t just add it to a string (line + student).

Final file:

inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

How can I delete repeat or merge (merge) files so as not to put headers?

p.s.: Price sorry if you are asking a question that has already been asked (although I have searched a lot and none have helped me solve the problem).

1 answer


The new line hidden can be removed from a string through the method rstrip().

The header of input files can be ignored (skipped) by calling the method next().

Let’s see:

from os import listdir
from os.path import isfile, join

# Diretorio

# Recupera lista de ficheiros CSV em um diretorio
ficheiros = [f for f in listdir(diretorio) if (isfile(join(diretorio, f)) and f.endswith('.csv')) ]

# Abre ficheiro de saida...
saida = open( "saida.csv", "a" )

# Para cada ficheiro...
for f in ficheiros:

    # Abra o ficheiro
    csv = open( f )

    # Ignora o header do CSV

    # Calcula student...
    student = 1

    # Para cada uma das demais linhas no ficheiro...
    for linha in csv:
         linha = linha.rstrip() + ';' + str(student) + '\n';

    # Fecha ficheiro CSV de entrada

# Fecha ficheiro CSV de saida
  • Thanks for the quick reply! I had to make some changes but it’s already working as wanted thanks to the indications. José

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