First, you don’t need to change the code to avoid repeating the learning. I have no deep knowledge about AI, because it’s a lot more complicated than people think it is, but I know learning isn’t about generating new code on your own.
If I were and could not change the code itself then it would be impossible to do this.
Then of course you can change the code itself. The Jitters do it all the time.
Even if this is available it would not be too difficult to make a mechanism that changes the sources and generates a new executable.
If you just want to change the executable gives also, you need to know where to put it. It seems to me a lot gambiarra.
My question then is, is it possible for the program to modify its own source code and modify the values of the variables? If so, how?
Values of variables are changed all the time, so they carry this name.
My program finishes its execution with the Count = 3 variable, so the next time it opens, it will be assigned the value 3 to Count again.
Just persist the value somewhere, there is no need to change the code. Do you want to persist in the executable? Can, I don’t think it is recommended.
Because I wish that, anyone without external files, could use my program, from where it stopped.
This is not exactly changing the code itself, it is at most persist within the executable.
It is even possible to use Resources to store these values since the wish is just not to have an external file, which I find a little needed advantage.
A compiled program modifies its own source code? If it exists, I want to learn how to use :p
– user28595
If you don’t want external files, you can use webservice, cloud, something online. Now if it can’t be online, ai complica.
– user28595
Yes, I would not like to use anything online, because, the environment in which I will use this code, nor have access to internet.
– Francisco