uibModal Angular


Viewed 71 times


I’m not getting through $ctrl.close(data) to the controller who wears that component:

uibModal that I’m using:

angular.module('sisApcd').component('buscaPessFis', {
    templateUrl: 'app/components/buscaPessFis/pessFisBusca.html',
    bindings: {
        resolve: '<',
        close: '&',
        dismiss: '&'

    /// Controller do Component de buscaPessFis
    controller: function ($scope) {
        var $ctrl = this;

        $ctrl.$onInit = function () {

        // Acoes click
        $scope.ok = function (e) {
            var valor = e.target.attributes['id-user'].value;
            $ctrl.close({valor2: 'teste'});

        $scope.cancel = function () {
            $ctrl.dismiss({valor2: 'teste'});

Where it calls the component:

modalInstance.result.then(function (data) {
}, function () {
    $log.info('Modal dismissed at: ' + new Date());

And get back to me


  • I was going to make an answer but I’m running out of time, but you need to use the $modalInstance.close, if using updated version is $uibModalInstance.close, and to use you need to inject into the controller function ($scope, $uibModalInstance) { ... }

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