How do I print jquery results in a div?


Viewed 526 times


My codigo js is working perfectly however I wanted to printase the result inside a div in the index.html itself below my textarea and without redirecting to another page, because it is redirecting to the page ip.php and showing the results there.


<title> testar ips </title>

<script src=""></script>
  function enviar(){
    var bin = $("#bin_id").val();
    var linhaenviar = bin.split("\n");
    var index = 0;


            url: 'ip.php',
            type: 'POST',
            dataType: 'html',
            data: "bin=" + value,
            success: function(resultado){
              document.write(resultado + "<br>");

      }, 10 * index);

    index = index + 3;




<textarea name="ip" id="ip_id" rows="10" cols="40">
<input type="button" value="testar ips" onclick="enviar();"></input>

2 answers


You can use jQuery’s HTML command on success of your AJAX request:


See more information here:

  • Who gave the -1, could explain, please, the reason here in the comment at least?


Simple, first create a span or div under your textarea with some id.

<span id="msg"> </span>

Within the function success you can use the function text() selecting the span:

success: function(){
   $("#msg").text("a mensagem que você quer");

A small example for ajax and php requests.


  $("#cadastrar-produtos").on("submit", function(e){

    var dados = $(this).serialize();
    var url = "cadastrar-produto.php";

      url: url,
      type: "POST",
      data: dados,
      dataType: "json",
      success: function(json){
        if (json.status) {
          $("#cadastrar").each(function() {

            title: 'Ok',
            message: json.message,
            icon: "zmdi zmdi-thumb-up"

        } else {
            title: 'Erro',
            message: json.message,
            icon: "zmdi zmdi-thumb-down"

      error: function(json){
          title: 'Erro',
          message: "Erro ao fazer requisição",
          icon: "zmdi zmdi-thumb-down"


I am using a lib called iziToast to display output alerts.


require_once 'class/Produto.php';
require_once 'class/ProdutoDAO.php';
require_once 'conecta.php';

$nome = $_POST["nome"];
$preco = $_POST["preco"];
$quantidade = $_POST["quantidade"];
$validade = $_POST["validade"];
$descricao = $_POST["descricao"];

$produto = new Produto();
$dao = new ProdutoDAO($conexao);
try {
    if ($dao->inserir($produto)) {
        $json = array(
            "status" => "true",
            "message" => "Produto inserido com sucesso"
    } else {
        $json = array(
            "status" => "false",
            "message" => "Erro ao inserir produto"
} catch (PDOException $e) {
    $json = array(
            "status" => "false",
            "message" => "Erro ao inserir produto: " . $e->getMessage()

echo json_encode($json);

I found it very interesting to create an array, as if it were a json object, to save the status and a message. The status will save if everything happened correctly in my back end, and a message like " Successfully registered product ". In my Function Success I make a if(json.status) if true, it’s because it all worked out, and I send a custom iziToast for success messages, otherwise I send a custom iziToast for error messages.

  • Thanks more the messages to be printed are results of ip.php where there are requests in Curl and return echo, what I really wanted to do and take from php echo $result; and print in the index div as this is done ?

  • put the result variable (which is in the Function Success parameter) inside Function text(): text(result);

  • edited the answer by putting a small example of how to print results coming from the back end, in your case php

  • thanks helped me a lot :)

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