How to implement a thread queue to run one after the other?


Viewed 1,055 times


I have a static method to record logs on my system.

public class Logger
    public static void SaveLog(string[] lines)
        System.IO.File.WriteAllLines(@"C:\...\Temp\ExceptLog.txt", lines);

The method is used in several places and access the same text file.

I would like to know how to implement in C# a thread queue to avoid conflict in the requested file access.

How can a thread queue be made to run, one by one in the background, in order to avoid the conflict to concurrent access and thus not "disturb" the main thread?

1 answer


Instead of creating a thread queue, why not create a message queue that will be written? So you could have a unique thread that wrote the messages and avoided the access problem, thus creating a producer/consumer system.

The steps, roughly speaking, would be:

  1. Place log write code inside an action;
  2. Put that action in a blocking collection;
  3. Have a thread dedicated to the logging that consumes the blocking collection and perform the actions received, thus ensuring the sequential writing of logs in the file;

An implementation based on the points above:

var LogCollection = new BlockingCollection<Action>();

public static void LogMessage(string messageToLog)
    LogCollection.Add(() => File.WriteAllText("", messageToLog));

public static void WriteLogMessages(CancellationToken token)
    foreach (var msg in LogCollection.GetConsumingEnumerable(token))

Using would look like this:

public static void Main()
    using (CancellationTokenSource cts = new CancellationTokenSource())
        Thread t1 = new Thread(() => WriteLogMessages(cts.Token));
        LogMessage("Hello World");

Note: For more ideas, and if you’ve decided to use your own log implementation, take a look at the Nlog for more inspiration.

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