View PDF in Webview


Viewed 2,623 times


I am developing an application for a Clinical Analysis Laboratory. It has an online system where you can view the results.

On the site, it has a list of all customer exams and when I click on the link to open the exam, it loads a PDF in a new tab, this by Desktop. By Mobile, when I click on it, it seems to open a blank tab in Webview, but does not load any PDF, without downloading the PDF.

My Code:

wv = (WebView) findViewById(;

    WebSettings ws = wv.getSettings();

    wv.setWebViewClient(new WebViewClient());
  • I use this library Android Pdfviewer to view the pdf files. See if it is useful for you.

2 answers


Option 1

Use the Viewer from Google Drive. See how it should look:

WebView ws = (WebView) findViewById(;
String pdf = "";
ws.loadUrl("" + pdf);

Obs.: It is important to observe the usage limit in relation to Google Drive.

Option 2

Use the pdf.js, open-source project mozila’s, which is perhaps the most viable option as it has no use limit. Just download and copy the project to your assets. Take a read on Viewer options to see more options beyond the basics. See below how it would look:

String pdf = "";

webview = (WebView) findViewById(;
WebSettings settings = webview.getSettings();
webview.setWebChromeClient(new WebChromeClient());
webview.loadUrl("file:///android_asset/pdfjs/web/viewer.html?file=" + pdf  + "#zoom=page-width");
  • The problem as you said is the usage limit, because the page shows all the customer exams, so if he wants to consult several is difficult


  • Diego, I tested that option, but in my case it didn’t work

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