Codeigniter shows strange errors


Viewed 56 times


I’m developing an application Codeigniter, but I reinstated the Wampserver. In the place where there was a form now shows this following code.

'id', 'value' => $id, 'size' => '6', 'readonly' => 'true')); ?> 
'login', 'value' => $login, 'size' => '15', 'readonly' => 'true')); ?> 
'email', 'value' => $email, 'size' => '30', 'readonly' => 'true')); ?> 
'senha', 'size' => '30')); ?> 
'novasenha', 'size' => '30')); ?> 
'novasenha2', 'size' => '30')); ?> 

What should I do to solve ?

  • your initial tag ta so <?php, because the short_open_tag must ta off

1 answer


Place <?php at the beginning, because, the short_open_tag must be off. It is not good practice (because it is better to use this item without enabling, because of the servers where you will make your site available and the default php opening tag is <?php), but if you want to edit in your php.ini the configuration of short_open_tag:

She must be like this:

short_open_tag = off

put it like this:

short_open_tag = on

That is, it is not running code PHP.

  • Hello, another question, before Cde Igniter showed me programming errors in a better way, now it shows like U6jq40ck6so where can I fix ?

  • @user11650 not understood?

  • It used to show errors like , agora assim U6jq40ck6so

  • Vixe I don’t know...

  • @user11650 the first question has been solved? if you have other question ask another question, if yes closes this question!

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