Recover database from . frm and . idb files


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My backup got incomplete and corrupted my ibdata database, now my database does not access my tables. Keeps giving error!

I don’t care about the data! But I really need the structure of the tables. There is a way to recover the structure from those files I quoted?

If I click to open some table in the database the following message appears

"Table 'mytable.table name' doesn’t exist in engine"

1 answer


As stated in the question, my ibdata was corrupted. At first my reaction was to copy the folders of the created tables and reinstall XAMP. The folders referring to the created database are in place xampp/mysql/data/pastaBancoDeDados

After the reinstallation, I relocated the database folders to the installation location mysql/data/pastaBancoDeDados.

When opening the panel localhost/phpmyadmin I saw that when trying to open some table of the saved database, it presented the following error "Table 'meubanco.nometabela' doesn't exist in engine".

I then opened my database by Heidi and exported the table as SQL. I deleted the database folder in the directory mysql/data/pastaBancoDeDados, right after I went on the panel localhost/phpmyadmin and created a new database with the same name as the previous one and imported the sql that heidiSql generated.

And it worked. I recovered the entire structure of the tables with all the settings. I only lost the data saved in the table.

This is not a definitive answer, but it worked for me and may be useful to someone else!

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