Is there a JSF style PHP famework?


Viewed 385 times


I am a Java programmer and I use JSF in the projects of the company where I work.

I am developing a personal project and I chose the PHP language even to learn a little more. The problem is that I saw a huge difference in programming with the JSF framework. For example, along with JSF I use Primefaces, so when I need to use AJAX, I do everything for the framework without the need to write any Javascript functions. It is not really necessary to have any knowledge in Javascript, jQuery or AJAX.

In PHP, I’m using the Codeigniter framework and then I need to stop PHP coding all the time to create Javascript functions, create functions in jQuery and AJAX requests, which takes me a long time, besides having to stop sometimes to see how something works in jQuery.

So I would like to know if there is any framework in the same style for PHP.

  • 3

    In my view, it will be worth much more you study Javascript too. Using a framework is usually a bad idea - because almost always use is not justified. Completely relying on one is a bad idea. If what you want to do is Javascript function, you should write in JS. If it’s PHP, you should write in PHP. Don’t mix things up.

  • 2

    Maybe the closest thing is YII.

  • 1

    It seems abandoned but this can be a start: (not that I think it’s a good idea, the quality of the code that a transpilator will produce does not compare to one you write yourself, to Anderson on this)

  • But.. but.. JSF is not a framework.. It’s specification!

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