Questions about continuation in C# studies and suggestions to get an internship


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I’m in 2° SI course period, but I’ve been studying C# on my own
through the Caleum: C# and Object Orientation booklet. I’m really enjoying the language
and I intend to go deeper into the platform to get my first internship and job.
The booklet is as follows and covers these subjects: C# and Object Orientation

I am finishing the booklet and for the fixing of the concepts I developed a project of a "Bank", passed by the booklet, and a "phone book" using the concepts of OO and Collections to test my knowledge.

My big goal is to get at least one internship at the beginning of next year. I will be in the 3°period of college and I have the rest of this year to pursue the studies and accomplish this goal.

My doubt is regarding the continuation of studies after having completed this booklet of Caelum and what knowledge is needed to achieve an internship in a company.

Database? ASP.NET MVC? Any framework? What knowledge would be indispensable and a differential?

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    I don’t like this workbook, I find it very superficial, it makes simplifications that cause more damage than help and puts focus on what is not important. If it is directed at beginners wrong direction, if it is for experienced, it is silly. I can assure you that if you just follow the workbook you’ll think you’ve learned OOP and you haven’t. Note that if you had walked properly in your studies you would probably know how to answer the question asked. When you skip the fundamentals, you have to trust random people to tell you what’s good for you.

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    The difference nowadays is learning to develop real software. Almost nobody does that, they just decorate cake recipes, people think they just follow the recipes of a framework and everything is solved, and it is not so, at least to learn even.

  • Thanks for the answer. I study on my own since it is a subject well ahead of the college and I don’t depend on it to learn anything. That’s the big problem since it’s the first programming language I’m seriously learning, so with so many materials it’s hard to know where one thing starts and the other ends. About the booklet, I found it quite easy to understand, but with you said that it is weak, assuming that I understand the essentials of the language and the subjects dealt with in it. What are the following steps that in your opinion I should take to create a complete application with DB?

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