How to model system actions/processes


Viewed 32 times


I will try to explain what I have in hand and what my doubt.

I am modeling a system that will control all the contracts of the company I have already started to identify the objects of this system and also its process and there arose my doubt: The process within the system is a sequence of actions or an object also?

Signing of the file

I will describe one of the processes I have already identified that is the contract signing done right after the negotiation.

Upon receiving a contract the logistics sector sends the same to the legal sector for validation or correction that then forwarded back to the logistics that in turn forwards the board for signature and back to the logistics sector goes to the supplier’s signature and back to the logistics for archiving.

My doubt is the contract wins a status sequence or the Subscription Process becomes an object in my system?

  • This looks like BPM. Take a look therein. I would go for the idea of the contract being a status entity.

  • 1

    What technology are you using? (I removed the tags [tag:java] and [tag:C#] because I think you’re not using both, right?)

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