I am developing a Mask in javascript for an input and am having a problem with the function selection.removeAllRanges();
every time I use it, it removes the input cursor and I can’t use the Backspace key to delete the values contained in the input.
function fdecimal(vobj,vint,vdec)
{ var Selection = window.getSelection(); Selection.removeAllRanges();
vlista = "-0123456789";
vchar = String.fromCharCode(event.which);
/*=== Caracter digitado deve estar parametrizado na lista (vlista) ===*/
if (vlista.indexOf(vchar,0) == -1)
return event.keyCode = 0;
vaux = vobj.value + vchar;
vaux = vaux.replace(",","");
/*=== tratamento sinal negativo ===*/
vneg = vaux.indexOf("-",0);
while (vaux.indexOf("-") != -1)
vaux = vaux.replace("-","");
/*=== Tamanho máximo numero ===*/
if(vaux.length > (vint + vdec)) {
return event.keyCode = 0;
/*=== Completa zeros a frente ===*/
vaux = "" + Number(vaux);
for (i=vaux.length;i<=vdec;i++)
vaux = '0' + vaux;
/*=== Coloca virgula como separador de decimal ===*/
vret = vaux.substr(0,vaux.length-vdec) + ',' + vaux.substr(vaux.length-vdec,vdec);
vobj.value = (vneg!=-1?'-':'') + vret;
Try adding a new empty range at the end after removing.
– bfavaretto
@bfavaretto without success.. the funny thing is that when I minimize the browser and reopen, the cursor reappears, the same happens when some Alert is called and then closed.
– Junior Topanotti
and simply
in the input?– bfavaretto
I’ve tried to do it too and it doesn’t work.
– Junior Topanotti