Return Notfound() Web Api c#


Viewed 1,019 times


I need that if the return of Get of controller below for null he returns a specific message, where he has return NotFound(), but it’s not working as expected and I tried to implement separately but always gives error.

public IHttpActionResult GetCNPJCPF(string cnpj_cpf)
     pessoa pessoa = db.pessoa.OfType<pessoa>()
                       .Where(p => p.cpf_cnpj == cnpj_cpf).FirstOrDefault();
     if (pessoa == null)
         return NotFound();
     return Ok(pessoa);

if it does not find simply from error HTTP 404

  • It already comes native when we create a Controller by Wizard! I tried to implement by, but without success.

  • I don’t understand your problem. ApiController.NotFound creates a 404 response, which is what you return when pessoa is void.

  • @merchant , I need him to return a message , ex. No record found, because when I look for an ajax it appears as error because of page 404

3 answers


You can use this:

return Content(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest, "Qualquer objeto");


You can try the following:

return NotFound("Sua mensagem aqui");

Browser output "File not found ..."


You’ll have to create your custom message separately if you want it to return. Here explains how to do

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