Nano for Windows


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Does anyone know how to install "nano" to use in windows CMD? I’m learning to use command line to stop using graphical interface, but I’m having enough difficulty setting up the tools in windows.

  • 1

    windows, has the command edit, if 64bits, use notepad...

  • I downloaded it, but I have no idea how to use it. And I found nothing on the internet explaining.

  • There’s no need " install the "nano" to use the command line in windows". V. can use command line in Windows from CMD.EXE, whose syntax is derived from the syntax of COMMAND.COM (if v. does not know what COMMAND.COM is, do not worry, and do not need to inquire; it is the time of DOS, much old). From Windowsserver2003 MS released Powershell, which has very different syntax. Nano is a text editor that works directly in the console window, which allows editing the files on the terminal itself, without having to use the graphical interface.

  • I had expressed myself wrong. What I wanted was to use Windows as if it were Linux. hehe. By @Sidon indication and after a lot of research, I figured out how to set up the WSL. Today I use version 2, and this has worked very well.

2 answers


Install Bash on windows:

The instructions here only serve for windwos 10 from Build 14316, if using a previous build, upgrade your system.

  1. Access windows 10 settings by clicking the Start menu and then in settings;
  2. Being in Settings, click on "Update and security";
  3. On the next screen click on "For developers" and check the option "Developer mode"
  4. Confirm ("Yes" button) the activation of the developer mode
  5. Go to the task bar search and type "Enable or disable resources", and click on the result shown.
  6. In the windows resources window, check "Windows Subsystem for Linux (Beta)
  7. Close the window that appears and restart the computer
  8. After restarting, go to the search box on the taskbar, type: bash and click on the result shown.

Ready you are in the best "command line" available in the world of computing. :-)

Install the nano:

Probably the nano will be installed already, if not, install it:

$ sudo apt-get install nano
  • Up to step 3, it worked. Then it didn’t seem like the option "Windows Subsystem for Linux (Beta)". But I activated the developer mode.

  • That’s right, just follow the other steps

  • It worked. Thanks, man.

  • How do you fix this error? I don’t know how to authorize it. See img:

  • Which command generated this error?

  • Actually stopped giving error without me doing anything. But I did not understand one thing: "I am not able to navigate in the windows directory". I tried to add the Ubuntu path at command prompt, but it doesn’t work.

  • I found the answer to this question at this link: <>. In short just use the path "mnt". In my case it was like this $ cd /mnt/c/wamp64. But the link above has a lot of important information for those who are using this resource. Once again I thank @Sidon

  • Cool, but if you really want to learn the command line has to decide whether to stay with windows, in which case my choice would be the Powershell (if I had to use windows) or if I kept Linux (my favorite), then I would format and put a linux distro or install a virtual machine on Virtualbox

  • I’m getting used commands in Windows. It’s working.

  • No need to install bash to run Nano for Linux. Nano exists for Windows.

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I installed through the Chocolatey. Has even the VIM to install. Then I use the prompt(cmd) or powershell to use.

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