Edits in the HTML page do not appear on the site


Viewed 61 times


I am beginner in the development of website, a friend asked me for basic changes in index (only change a text), so I made the change and replaces the file on FTP.

What happens is when I type www.xxx.com.br it is simply not up to date with my changes, but when I type www.xxx.com.br/index.html is correct.

So my question is where do I change this file that directs on www.xxx.com.br? Is there any other location for change? I have access only to FTP where I counted the files of the site, there is some other place I should access?

  • 1

    Clear "Images and cached files" from your browser or try to use anonymity mode and log in to your website and check if the content has changed or the same problem.

  • I cleaned the image cache of my browser and it really worked, but I’ll always need to do it then ? and the people who have already accessed the site, all will have to do it ? has something for me to solve this ?

  • Ué, Sabino = Luiz ?

  • Yes, I thought my email was not registered on the forum

  • You can determine the cache time in the user’s browser by creating or editing the htaccess file on your website. See: https://wiki.locaweb.com.br/pt-br/Habilitar_cache_via_htaccess

  • @Sabino or Luiz, follow https://answall.com/a/20763/57801

  • solved, vlw personal

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1 answer


There is the browser and server cache. When we upload a file and remove the browser cache and the project is still in the previous state we are talking about the server cache. It shouldn’t take long, however this type of server cache configuration may vary depending on the hosting. And yes, this is something common, eventually the cache ends.

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