How to store the data in a variable and then use a query?


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I have a combobox filled with data from the database (doctor’s name), where I choose a name, but I wanted to record in another table of the database the id_medico and not the name.

I thought I’d use a SELECT to get the id, store that information in a variable and then use that variable in INSERT, but I don’t know how to fit that into my code. You can help me?

The combobox is filled with this code:


$dbconn = mysqli_connect($servername, $username, $password, $dbname)or die("Failed to connect to database:" . mysqli_error($dbconn));
$query = "SELECT nome FROM Medicos";
$data = mysqli_query($dbconn, $query);
$result = mysqli_num_rows($data);       

&nbsp &nbsp<label for="cbMedicos">Selecione um M&eacute;dico</label>
<select id="cbMedicos" name="cbMedicos">

 <?php while($prod = $data->fetch_assoc()) { 
    echo '<option value="'.$prod['nome'].'">'.$prod['nome'].'</option>';

My code for now is:

$dbconn = mysql_connect($servername, $username, $password, $dbname);

if (isset($_POST['botao_marcar_consulta']))

    $hora_inicio= trim($_POST['txthora_inicio']); 
    $hora_fim = trim($_POST['txthora_fim']);
    $medicos = trim($_POST['cbMedicos']);

     $sql = "INSERT INTO Consulta_marcada (hora_inicio, hora_fim ) VALUES ('".$hora_inicio."', '".$hora_fim."')";

 echo "<script>alert('Dados inseridos com sucesso');</script>";
echo "<script>alert('FAILED TO INSERT ".mysql_error()."');</script>";
  • It will be interesting for you to read: Why should we not use mysql type functions_*?

  • $_POST['cbMedicos'] is the name or the id of the doctor? In which table you need to save this value?

  • @Andersoncarloswoss $_POST['cbMedicos'] is the chosen name of the combobox, in the table _marked query. And I have the name of the doctors and their id in the table Medicos

  • You can’t already store the value of id in the combobox instead of the name? How are you doing it? There are ways to put it in the question?

  • I already edited the question... I want the name to appear in the combobox, the id I use in the marked query table to link between tables.

  • 1

    Okay, just do it '<option value="'.$prod['id'].'">'.$prod['nome'].'</option>'. Thus will be displayed the name of the doctor, but the value $_POST['cbMedicos'] will already be the id of the selected doctor. It will avoid you having to make another query in the database.

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3 answers


In your HTML, change the value of the attribute value to the id:

<label for="cbMedicos">Selecione um Médico</label>
<select id="cbMedicos" name="cbMedicos">
    <?php while($prod = $data->fetch_assoc()) { 
        echo '<option value="'.$prod['id'].'">'.$prod['nome'].'</option>';

This requires adding the column id in consultation: SELECT id, nome FROM Medicos.

The value that will be displayed to the user will continue to be $prod['name'], but the value that will be passed to PHP in $_POST['cbMedicos'] will be the value of id of the selected doctor. This way, instead of you need to search the database to find the id, just insert it directly. Something like:

$hora_inicio= trim($_POST['txthora_inicio']); 
$hora_fim = trim($_POST['txthora_fim']);
$medicos = intval($_POST['cbMedicos']);

$sql = "INSERT INTO Consulta_marcada (hora_inicio, hora_fim, id_medico) VALUES ('".$hora_inicio."', '".$hora_fim."', ".$medicos.")";
  • @Andersincarloswoss to switch to mysqli, would you have to change something, beyond the first line? Just like this: $dbconn = mysqli_connect($servername, $username, $password, $dbname)or die("Failed to connect to database:" . mysqli_error($dbconn));

  • @Isabelsousa just follow the logic you used to select doctors. In this file you have used mysqli.


Make the following changes to your code:

  1. To get the doctor

    $query = "SELECT id, nome FROM Medicos";
  2. In the display of the data in the doctor in the combobox

    while($prod = $data->fetch_assoc()) { 
        echo '<option value="'.$prod['id'].'">'.$prod['nome'].'</option>';
  3. And when it’s time to record the data

    $hora_inicio= trim($_POST['txthora_inicio']); 
    $hora_fim = trim($_POST['txthora_fim']);
    $id_medico = trim($_POST['cbMedicos']);
    $sql = "INSERT INTO Consulta_marcada (hora_inicio, hora_fim, medico_id) VALUES ('".$hora_inicio."', '".$hora_fim."','".$id_medico."')";

If your table in the bank consulta_marcada have not Foreign key id_medico, you will have to add.

In the future you will need to display which appointment each doctor contains. You can do so:

me.nome, cm.hora_inicio, cm.hora_fim
    consulta_marcada AS cm
        INNER JOIN
    medico AS me ON cm.id_medico =
WHERE id_medico = $id['id_medico'];

Comment if you have problems.

  • 1

    In this case, the column id of Consulta_marcada is not the id from the doctor. What is being done is a 1 to many ratio between the table Medicos and Consulta_marcada, where the column id_medico of the second is called foreign key. If you save the id of the doctor as id of the consultation, you may not have more than one consultation per doctor.

  • Thank you for alerting me to the error.

  • There was no change in the insert, in step 3, which would be the most critical point.

  • 1

    Thank you. I took advantage and reviewed the comment as a whole.


You can use the fetch_assoc() function of mysqli to fetch database data:

$sql = "SELECT * FROM <nome_da_tabela> WHERE tabela_nome_do_medico = <nome_do_medico>";

$res = $con->query($sql);

if ($res) {
   while ($linha = $res->fetch_assoc()) {
      $id_medico = $linha['tabela_id_do_medica'];
  • And if you have doctors with the same name?

  • Then the ideal would be to search for the ID, which is an always unique value

  • Exactly, see comments of the question.

  • Gee, I didn’t even notice, thanks for the correction.

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