Good morning, I’m having a problem when I try to send big image with Ode, formidable use
app.post('/upload/image', (req, res, next) => { var form = new formidable.Incomingform(); form.multiples = true;
form.on('fileBegin', (field, file) => { var filename = Crypto.createHash('md5'). update(file.name). Digest("Hex") + ". png"; file.path = './public/uploads/' + filename; req.session.linkImage = "/uploads/" + filename;
form.on('error', (err) => { console.log('An error has occured: n' + err); });
form.on('end', (Fields, file) => {
form.parse(req); });
Could help me solve this problem?
This one works on the express https://www.npmjs.com/package/express-formidable
– M8n
For the express is a specific? I will use this and test
– Weslley