How to update one Datagridview when changing the other?


Viewed 34 times


I have a DataGridView called gridProfissional which lists all the professionals I have registered in a table.

I have another DataGridView called gridAgenda that lists the days that the professional attends.

I have a function that works correctly:

private void preencheGridAgenda()
    List<datum> listaData = new List<datum>();
    int idAgenda = Convert.ToInt32(gridProfissional.CurrentRow.Cells[0].Value.ToString());
    listaData = => p.idAgenda.Equals(idAgenda)).ToList();
    gridData.DataSource = listaData;

My intention is this: when selecting a line on gridProfissional, call the function preencherGridAgenda and update gridAgenda.

At the event Scroll of gridProfissional I’m calling the function preencherGridAgenda, however, I select any line from my gridProfissional and the function is not called.

I’m using the wrong event (Scroll)? There’s another event for that?

1 answer


The best way to do this is by using the event SelectionChanged of DataGridView

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