Why use the Observablelist?


Viewed 762 times


I have a theoretical doubt. I was studying Javafx and do not know what the function of Observablelist in this case:

 public void start(Stage stage) {
        //Creating a Text object
        Text text = new Text();

        //Setting font to the text
        text.setFont(new Font(45));

        //setting the position of the text

        //Setting the text to be added.
        text.setText("Welcome to Tutorialspoint");

        //Creating a Group object
        Group root = new Group();

        //Retrieving the observable list object
        ObservableList list = root.getChildren();

        //Setting the text object as a node to the group object

        //Creating a scene object
        Scene scene = new Scene(root, 600, 300);

        //Setting title to the Stage
        stage.setTitle("Sample Application");

        //Adding scene to the stage

        //Displaying the contents of the stage


The book I’m studying javafx did so, adding each Node to the Observablelist instead of adding it to the Group itself. I noticed that changes in the Observablelist, since Observablelist receives an Observablelist from the Group, implies changes in the root Group Node. I’d like to know Why use Observablelist...?

1 answer


Usually the books about Javafx present in their codes the reduced version of the expression that caused you doubts, putting it this way:

Group root = new Group();

// O formato abaixo equivale ao código acima
Group root = new Group();
ObservableList list = root.getChildren();

However, as you well noted, the return of the method getChildren() is precisely an Observablelist of Nodes. The author only thought it was right to assign a variable to reference the list of container nodes and, as a reference (save the address of the list in memory), to change list means changing the list it references.

inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

This option can be due to style or didactic issues (I believe it wants to show that each component of the Container is stored in a list).

I will give an example to facilitate understanding:

// Livros para um público iniciante podem apresentar a informação assim
public int greaterThan(int a, int b){
    int result = 0;
    if(a > b){
        result = 1;
    return result;

// Para um público mais avançado pode aparecer algo desse tipo
public int greaterThan(int a, int b){
    return (a > b) ? 1 : 0;    

Some students easily recognize that the two greaterThan functions are saying the same thing, so for these students it is indifferent. But for beginners the "verbose" version is more profitable.

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