I want to search information of a table with EF


Viewed 75 times


I have the following form code:

@model Domain.Entities.Tabela1
@using WebUI.HtmlHelpers
@using WebUI.Extensions
    ViewBag.Title = "Tabela";
    Layout = "~/Views/Shared/_Master.cshtml";
<article ng-app="registrationModule">
            <div ng-controller="Tabela1FormController">
                <form class="form" name="tabela1Form" ng-submit="save(tabela1)" novalidate style="width: 700px; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;">


                            <label for="name">Nome:</label>
                                <input type="text" name="name" ng-model="tabela1.name" />
//Aqui eu gostaria de busca a informação
<input type="text" name="name" ng-model="tabela2.medida" /> 

My Entities Table 1:

    public class Tabela1
        public int tabela1ID{ get; set; }

        [Required(ErrorMessage = "O campo \"Nome\" é obrigatório")]
        public string Name { get; set; }
        [Required(ErrorMessage="O campo \"Unidade de Medida\" é obrigatório")]
        public string medida{ get; set; }

        public ICollection<Coleçao> campo { get; set; }

        public tabela1()
            campo= new HashSet<Coleçao>();   

Entitie tabela2:

public class tabela2
        public static tabela2 Default = new tabela2();

        public int tabela2ID { get; set; }
        public string Unit { get; set; }
        [Required(ErrorMessage = "Digite um símbolo da unidade de medida")]
        public string Symbol { get; set; }


Listview Tabela1

 public class tabela1ListViewModel : PaginationViewModel
        public IEnumerable<tabela1> tabela1{ get; set; }

My control:

  public ActionResult Newtabelar()
        return View("tabelaForm");

[Permission(Path = IndicatorPath.tabela, Permission = PermissionType.ReadWrite)]
public ActionResult EditItabela(int tabelaid, bool onlyRead = false)
    var tabela = tabela1Repository
        .Include(x => x.tabela3)
            .Include(x => x.tabela4)
            .Include(x => x.tabela5)
            .Include(x => x.tabela6)
        .FirstOrDefault(x => x.tabela1id == tabela1id);

    ViewBag.OnlyRead = onlyRead;

    return View("tabela1Form", tabela);

Well to Tabela1 one he seeks ok, but the table2 want to play the field she has in a select in the form it does not search, my view was made with angular, as I must proceed to solve this problem. thanks in advance.

  • What do you mean "no search", can you explain better? Error? What code are you using to get the table values?

  • I cannot bring the information from table 2 to the desired field.

  • Tabela1 is related to two others and table2 is not.

  • What exactly do you want to access that you’re not getting?

  • i want to access the Unit field of the table2, I do not know if by the angle I take the information and put in the <input type="text" name="name" ng-model="table2.measure" />

1 answer


You can use a Viewmodel:

public class ViewModel1
   public Tabela1 tabela1 { get; set; }
   public Tabela2 tabela2 { get; set; }


public ActionResult Index()
    var viewModel = new ViewModel1();

    // Preencha as propriedades do objeto viewModel1

    return View(viewModel);

Then you can use the table2 model in your View.

  • I’ll try there thanks

  • unfortunately unable to implement the code

  • what was the difficulty?

  • Fill the properties of the viewModel1 object

  • The properties are Tabela1 and table2, you must instantiate them, fill the objects as you wish, and then use in your view

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