Query that only returns the result if a field is in another table


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The title may not represent the question well.

I have a table with information about cars (id(CP), name, model, among others) and another one with the "Extras" (id(CP), id_carro(CS), name_do_extra) that the cars have.

    |      tbl_carros     |
    | ID | Marca | Modelo |
    | 22 | VW    | Golf   |
    | 23 | Smart | ForTwo |
    | 34 | BMW   | 740d   |

|          tbl_extras          |
| ID | id_car | Extra          |
| 1  | 22     | Airbag         |
| 2  | 22     | ABS            |
| 3  | 22     | Cruise Control |
| 4  | 24     | ABS            |
| 5  | 24     | Airbag         |

Above are the two tables in question.

What I needed was a way to present the car data(Make, Models) ONLY if the extras I want are related to it, that is, when I order all cars with ABS and Cruise Control, the only result, in this case, is VW Golf, in a single Row. If there is more than one car with the same extras, I also needed it to be introduced.

I hope I made myself clear. I can always answer any more questions you may have.

What I’ve already tried

I tried to do a query where one of the conditions was the record to be present in another table, but since the extras are separated by Rows, I could not search for all lines and at the same time, present only one record.

That is, the solutions I tried to explore do not seem efficient or are too complicated and for simple lack of knowledge (experience), I do not see how I can do this.

  • Search by Queries with EXISTS

  • https://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/exists-and-not-exists-subqueries.html

  • Okay, I’ve tried with exists, it seems I’m on track but still not seeing what goes wrong, I have here the query I’m using now. SELECT * FROM Vehicles WHERE EXISTS (SELECT * FROM Extras WHERE Extras.id_car = Vehicles.ID AND Extras.Extra = 'ABS' AND Extras.Extra = 'Cruise Control')

  • When I have only one extra ABS I have the desired result. But just have one more parameter that already returns "0 result". I think what the query does is to search for 'ABS' and 'Cruise Control' in one field and not in all.

  • ANSWER: Okay, with @Motta’s advice I was able to solve the problem. SELECT Vehicles.ID FROM Vehicles WHERE EXISTS (SELECT * FROM Extras WHERE Extras.id_car = Vehicles.ID AND Extras.Extra = 'Centralised closure') AND EXISTS (SELECT * FROM Extras WHERE Extras.id_car = Vehicles.ID AND Extras.Extra = 'Full review book')

  • I recommend reading on this reply

  • @Pashazakharuk: What if the search is for 3 accessories? ;) // Tip: Create code that works independent of the number of items to search.

  • @Josédiz The query is supposed to be dynamically 'built'. In my case I am building an advanced search menu, as it has on shopping websites, "price", "brand", "year" "extras that have". So once the parameters are chosen, I build the query. Do you think this practice is wrong? EDIT: Answering your question "and if the search is by n accessories", as I have developed, I will be able to join several conditions before running the query.

  • @Pashazakharuk: In addition to being able to select several extras, the user can also select, for example, several brands/models in the same search?

  • @Josédiz Yes. But with this part I have not had problems. What I mean by 'build dynamically' is, for example: SELECT * FROM Veiculos WHERE Marca = 'Smart' and if the user indicates the template I will, with PHP, add a condition "AND Modelo='ForFour'" and with the query formed make the request to BD

  • @Pashazakharuk: One approach is to assemble the query code in the application at runtime. This code will always be compiled by SQL Server, before it runs. Another approach is to create previously stored procedure with static SQL code, which receives query parameters. // In the case of query code mounted at runtime, you must evaluate which form is most efficient: whether multiple AND NOT EXISTS in sequence or whether the form proposed by Sorack/José Diz, which are similar.

  • Was any of the answer helpful? Don’t forget to choose one and mark it so it can be used if someone has a similar question!

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2 answers


Here is the suggestion for what you request, which works with any number of accessories to search.

-- código #1
-- informe os extras a pesquisar
CREATE TABLE #Pesquisa (Extra varchar(30) unique);
INSERT into #Pesquisa values
  ('Cruise Control');

-- calcula número de itens extras a pesquisar
declare @Qtd int;
set @Qtd= (SELECT count(*) from #Pesquisa);

-- monta lista de extras em uma variável
declare @Acessórios varchar(200);
set @Acessórios= '';
SELECT @Acessórios+= (Extra + ', ') from #Pesquisa;
set @Acessórios= left(@Acessórios, (len(@Acessórios) -1));

with ctePesqExtra as (
SELECT id_car
  from tbl_extras as T1
       inner join #Pesquisa as T2 on T1.Extra = T2.Extra
  group by id_car
  having count(*) = @Qtd
SELECT C.*, @Acessórios as [Acessórios]
  from tbl_carros as C
       inner join ctePesqExtra as E on C.ID = E.id_car;

Code to generate the mass of data for testing:

-- código #2
set nocount on;

CREATE TABLE tbl_carros (
  ID int not null primary key,
  Marca varchar(20) not null,
  Modelo varchar(30) not null
INSERT into tbl_carros values
   (22, 'VW', 'Golf'),
   (23, 'Smart', 'ForTwo'),
   (24, 'BMW', '740d');

CREATE TABLE tbl_extras (
  id int identity,
  id_car int references tbl_carros(ID),
  Extra varchar(30)
CREATE clustered INDEX I1_tbl_extras on tbl_extras (id_car);

INSERT into tbl_extras (id_car, Extra) values
   (22, 'Airbag'),
   (22, 'ABS'),   
   (22, 'Cruise Control'),
   (24, 'ABS'),
   (24, 'Airbag');

Having said that, I suggest that you create a third table containing the list of accessories, independent of make/model of vehicle. In this way, the tbl_extras table would only contain the vehicle code and the accessory code. It is more reliable to search by code than by text.


You can perform the query using the clause HAVING along with a JOIN on the table tbl_extras:

SELECT tc.id
  FROM tbl_carros tc
       INNER JOIN tbl_extras te ON te.id_car = tc.id_car
 WHERE te.extra IN ('ABS', 'Cruise Control')
 GROUP BY tc.id

Explaining the query above:

  • I use the INNER JOIN to get the extras from each vehicle;

  • In the clause IN I restrict only the extras that I wish to be present in the vehicle in question;

  • The GROUP BY indicates that the result will be counted for each id vehicle, independently of other fields;

  • The clause HAVING is used when we want to restrict the results with some aggregation function, in this case the COUNT;

  • Count the selected records and return only those who have more than 2, ensuring that will be returned only vehicles that have at least 2 records in tbl_extras with the filtered descriptions.

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