Sequence Diagram with MVC facing the web!


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Good afternoon guys, I’m having doubts about some sequence diagrams I’m developing for a college job.

In theory I already know what a sequence diagram is, what it does and what its purpose, but the problem comes at the time of modeling the same!

I will paste my use case and soon after as the diagram is:


The use case begins when the secretary needs to schedule an appointment for a particular patient; The secretary clicks on the "patient search" button on the APPOINTMENT SCHEDULE page. The system directs to the page SEARCH FOR REGISTERED PATIENTS. The secretary type the patient’s name or part of it and press the "enter" key. The system displays in a table the patients found. The secretary marks the checkbox of the respective patient and clicks the "confirm" button. The system returns to the page SCHEDULING OF QUERIES. The desk clicks on the calendar icon of the "date query" field. The system displays the available dates of the current month. The desk selects the desired date. The desk clicks on the calendar icon of the "time query" field. The system displays the available hours of the selected date. The secretary selects the desired time. The secretary clicks on the "schedule" button. The system returns the message "Query scheduled successfully".

Diagrama sequencia

The problem is I’m finding things missing.

Remembering that I am modeling the project trying to use MVC architecture and that the project is a webapp! Some suggestions? Pictures of wireframe

inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

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