I have a report in Fast Report of notes and duplicates / boletos.
On date I have 2 DbxQuery
, note and boletos. In the boletos I put the master as notes, and used as a filter in the boletos the parameter nunota (note number) pointing to the DbxQuerynota
, and made a select max(parcela)
in the DbxQuery
I used a sub-report, but when Gero shows for example the note 1, but the boletos of the note 2, and in the note 3 the boletos of the note 4 and so on, I tried to use a band Detaildata but n worked tbm.
someone has a tip!!
Post the SQL you made friend.
– Ramon Ruan
Guy at the moment do not have and a problem in the service so see second, but it is more or less like this, in select main customer, note items, freight, etc and in "Detail", I have the parcels, right then a note with N items, (5 for example) can have 0 or more parcels (type 30,60,90)then I have a table only for the salaries imagine "Fatnota", where the PK is the branch and the number of the note. ai no fast define no select "Detail" Where note = :nunota e filial = :Cdfil being these parameters set in Dbxquery "Detail" to "catch" from Query "master"
– Balrog
More so, what does not work? Nothing appears in the report? It appears the notes and duplicates / duplicate slips?
– Ramon Ruan
as said above, shows the note 1 but the boletos of the note 2, understands! shows the note 10 but the boletos of the note 11 in the Detail...
– Balrog