Master Detail Fast Reports


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I have a report in Fast Report of notes and duplicates / boletos.

On date I have 2 DbxQuery, note and boletos. In the boletos I put the master as notes, and used as a filter in the boletos the parameter nunota (note number) pointing to the DbxQuerynota, and made a select max(parcela) in the DbxQuery billet.

I used a sub-report, but when Gero shows for example the note 1, but the boletos of the note 2, and in the note 3 the boletos of the note 4 and so on, I tried to use a band Detaildata but n worked tbm.

someone has a tip!!

  • 1

    Post the SQL you made friend.

  • Guy at the moment do not have and a problem in the service so see second, but it is more or less like this, in select main customer, note items, freight, etc and in "Detail", I have the parcels, right then a note with N items, (5 for example) can have 0 or more parcels (type 30,60,90)then I have a table only for the salaries imagine "Fatnota", where the PK is the branch and the number of the note. ai no fast define no select "Detail" Where note = :nunota e filial = :Cdfil being these parameters set in Dbxquery "Detail" to "catch" from Query "master"

  • More so, what does not work? Nothing appears in the report? It appears the notes and duplicates / duplicate slips?

  • as said above, shows the note 1 but the boletos of the note 2, understands! shows the note 10 but the boletos of the note 11 in the Detail...

1 answer


After having abandoned for a while this issue I managed to resolve, as it had a query which picked up data from 12 tables like, note, items, sizes, color, employee, cfop client, billing etc, I decided to do a separate query for I created a subreport and put it in the footer of the group of my master datapage1 and at the event Onbeforeprint of Groupfooter1 added via script the sql command to query fat, passing as filters data of the report itself already generated as field of the branch already printed in the header. Then I just inserted the fields I wanted into mine subreport, finally finished my problem of appearing the salaries of the note 2 in the note 1.

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