Add link to image by *.CSS file


Viewed 6,123 times


I have a file *.css that I determined the position and size of the image I have in my header, it is possible to add a hyperlink to that image in the file itself *.css and then when I assign that file id to that image *.css she already catch the link too?

  • No, it doesn’t even make sense to do that. What would be the purpose?

  • I am programming in a tool where I can select my file *.css I just can’t put the tag <img src=""> to select the image I want to place as a point to access the link

1 answer


In CSS there is no property that can manipulate the element’s image file img. If that’s really the need I suggest you trade for the element div and specify the image in CSS



#div_img {
  background-image:url(''); /* url */
  width:396px; /* largura */
  height:153px; /* altura */


<div id="div_img"></div>

1# Edited:

Via CSS it is not possible to manipulate the link, or you set it directly on HTML or in the Javascript

2# Edited:

New example using Jquery: CSS:

#div_img {
  background-image:url(''); /* url */
  width:396px; /* largura */
  height:153px; /* altura */


<a id="div_link" href=""><div id="div_img"></div></a>


$(document).ready(function() {
  • Hence you can assign various properties on CSS to leave the element div more or less equal to img

  • Thanks for the reply @Carlos Andrade, I tested this and could not, added the line: background-image:url(''); and then called in HTML my div but when clicking on the image I was not redirected

  • In background-image:url('url_completo_da_imagem'); you must specify the full address of the image.

  • Ah, excuse me, I misinterpreted the question. I’ll make the edit and you can undo your vote.

  • I await your updated answer then +1

  • Apologies once again, I had understood the url of the image and not the hyperlink

  • you could put an example in Javascript for me to see if it doesn’t solve my problem?

  • Yes, I’ll do the editing again.

  • Great. I just have to add that if you’d rather not background-image you can also do by content in a ::before.

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